Gemstones work for the betterment of one’s life is a known fact. However, many people do not believe in their effects. These days’ people, look for the scientific links between the gems and their effects. All astrological reasoning fails to impress them to accept the benefits of the gemstones.
There are laws in pure science which have not been proved but are accepted as their effects are observed by us day in and day out and they are called laws conversely also as they have not been proved otherwise. Similarly the effects of the gemstones are observed by those who use them under proper guidance. Since the effects are very subjective and individual in nature, they are not in the scrutiny of public and people at large do not believe in their beneficial values.
The gemstones have different colours and luster. Sun being the source of all energy, also affects human beings. If we observe the sunlight through prism in a laboratory, we get seven colour spectrums. The other invisible two colours are infra red and ultra violet. Thus the spectrum of nine colours is understood to be the cosmic matrix and is the very essence of nine planets. The nine planets are associated with these colours and the stones prescribed are also in consonance. It is important to note that the wavelength of coloured light emanating from the nine planets is believed to match those radiating from each planets corresponding gemstone. Thus prescribing gemstones is not out of synchronous with this energy system. A particular stone absorbs all kind of solar and cosmic energy and allows a particular type of energy to pass through it and which is then absorbed by the body. If prescribed properly, this actually helps the individual. This restores the balance in him, and he finds the improvement in terms of physical, emotional or in a holistic manner.
Moreover, the effects of gemstones have been proved conversely also. If a person is prescribed a wrong gemstone, it has been observed to adversely affect him as long as he wears it and the effect goes away once the stone is removed. Thus the efficacy of gemstones does not require laboratory experiments just the way some of the pure science laws do not require experiment in their support.
Among all the elements in nature, gemstones constitute the purest, most potent and concentrated forms of colour, and therefore gems naturally resonate harmoniously with the energies emanated from their associated planets.
In astrology we are concerned with only seven planets and two shadowy planets. The natural frequency of vibration of these seven planets has been calculated and is in agreement with the specific part of the spectrum. In astrology, Rahu is like Saturn and Kethu is like Mars. But those two planets are considered to be karmic as well. Hence Rahu actually corresponds to ultraviolet part of spectrum and similarly Kethu corresponds to the infrared part of the spectrum. This is clear from the sequence of the electromagnetic spectrum. The violet to red is the visible part of the spectrum. The ultraviolet and infrared parts are not visible, very similar to the nature of Rahu and Kethu. It can be seen that the infrared as after red which is the colour of Mars and Ultraviolet is after violet which is the colour of Saturn.
Ultraviolet Rahu
Violet, Indigo and Blue Saturn
Green Mercury
Yellow Jupiter
Red Mars
Infrared Kethu