We often use the word ‘Gem’ in everyday language, foe example ‘She is a real gem’. In this context a gem is something special, highly valued and well-thought of, something to be treasured, with special attributes.
Gemstones are also treasures-something special. Their unique qualities have been valued throughout the ages, across continents and by different peoples, from our earliest ancestors to the present day. It may have been the colour or the crystal shape of a gemstone, or a bright coloured shell that first attracted the attention of someone who then bent down to pick it up. Something special about it would have encouraged that person to keep it, may be to put it in a special place such as a bag hung around the neck, for safe keeping or make a hole in it, or to tie it onto clothing as an adornment or as a piece of jewellery.
Gems and jewels are associated with the rich and famous. We may admire the jewels worn by our favorite film star, celebrity or sportsman. We may even aspire to own some particularly fine pieces ourselves. Gems have been worn as a symbol of status adorning the crowns of royalty- a visual reminder of wealth, success and achievement to both the wearer and the observer. The mystic power and energy ascribed to certain gemstones are an attribute defined by healers. The tales of famous stones, the luck they may hold or the curse they may inflict, can captivate an audience.